
TMS Therapy in Vista

Psychiatrists & Sleep medicine specialists located in San Diego, CA., Chula Vista, CA. & Vista, CA.

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TMS in Vista services offered in San Diego, Chula Vista and Vista, CA

Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are treatable mental health conditions, but standard treatments don’t always work for everyone. At KMG Psychiatry in Vista, the team offers NeuroStar® Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to treat conditions like depression and PTSD without the side effects of traditional medication.

The providers at KMG Psychiatry specialize in treating military personnel suffering from depression or PTSD, offering appointments within one week. To learn more about this nonsurgical treatment, call KMG Psychiatry or book an appointment online today.



How Does TMS Work?
During a TMS session, you sit in a comfortable chair and remain fully awake as KMG Psychiatry in Vista lightly places a small, curved magnetic coil on your head. As you relax, NeuroStar delivers targeted magnetic energy to stimulate underactive cells in your brain. While you may hear a light clicking sound throughout the procedure, TMS is never painful or uncomfortable.

The procedure itself takes between 19 and 37 minutes on average, though times may vary depending on your individualized treatment plan. Most NeuroStar TMS treatments are administered five days a week for approximately four to six weeks. Dr. Bindal will determine the right plan for you.

What Is NeuroStar Advanced Therapy?
NeuroStar treatment uses a magnet to stimulate nerve cells in the brain that may impact mood. This magnet delivers pulses with a similar strength as an MRI machine. Scientists believe this treatment could increase the brain’s neurotransmitter levels, potentially promoting long-term recovery from depression.

To date, more than 2.5 million NeuroStar treatments have been performed across the U.S. Every day, more people find hope through this proven approach for depression.

Treatment with NeuroStar Advanced Therapy is simple:

  • Therapy sessions are conducted in our office.
  • You can return to normal activities right away.
  • You remain awake during treatment.
  • Your memory and sleep are not affected.
  • It’s covered by most health insurance plans, including Medicare and Tricare.

Does TMS Have Side Effects?
Compared to alternative treatments for depression and PTSD, TMS has very few side effects. Unlike vagus nerve stimulation or deep brain stimulation, TMS doesn’t require surgery or implants. It also doesn’t require anesthesia or cause serious side effects, such as seizures, like electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

Some of the most common TMS side effects include:

  • Headaches
  • Lightheadedness
  • Facial muscle spasms
  • Tingling in the face
  • Scalp pain

In rare cases, TMS can cause:

  • Hearing loss if ear protection is inadequate
  • Seizures
  • Mania in individuals with bipolar disorder

Because TMS is safe and effective, you can resume your normal activities immediately after treatment.

What Can I Expect From TMS?
Compared to antidepressants, which typically take about six weeks to start working, TMS can begin improving symptoms of depression or PTSD within one week. Many patients report mood improvements after just a few sessions.

Unlike medication, TMS treatment concludes after the initial four- to six-week course. While some patients return to KMG Psychiatry for maintenance sessions, most experience symptom relief lasting at least one year after their first treatment.

For more information on TMS and its benefits, call KMG Psychiatry or book an appointment online today. Individual results may vary.